Last Update: Jun 25, 2024
A Phase II, Double-blind, Randomized, Multiple Dose, Cross Over, Three-treatment, Three-period, Six Sequence Placebo Controlled Trial to Evaluate Efficacy, Pharmacokinetics (PK), Pharmacodynamics (PD) and Safety and Tolerability of Glycopyrronium (Bromide) in Children From 6 to Less Than 12 Years of Age With Asthma. Identifier:
Novartis Reference Number:CQVM149C2201
All compounds are either investigational or being studied for (a) new use(s). Efficacy and safety have not been established. There is no guarantee that they will become commercially available for the use(s) under investigation.

Study Description

The purpose of this study is to characterize the bronchodilator effect, systemic exposure
and safety/tolerability of two different doses of inhaled glycopyrronium, when compared
to placebo. Outcome of this study will be used to determine the dose of inhaled
glycopyrronium for the development of fixed dose combination
indacaterol/mometasone/glycopyrronium (QVM149) for children aged 6 to less than 12 years
old with moderate to severe asthma. The study design is a double-blind, placebo controlled, randomized sequence,
three-treatment, three-period, six-sequence, cross-over multiple-dose study to evaluate
efficacy, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and safety and tolerability of
glycopyrronium bromide (bromide) in children from 6 to less than 12 years of age with
asthma with forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) ≥60% and ≤ 90% of the predicted
normal value for the participant.

This study will consist of 4 phases: Screening, Run-in, Treatment and Follow-up.

After the screening phase, participants will enter the Run-in Phase to further assess
eligibility and those participants that meet all eligibility criteria will be randomized.
Study treatment will be administered in addition to background asthma LABA+ICS controller
therapy (salmeterol xinafoate 50µg/fluticasone propionate 100µg) from entering the run-in
period, through to the end of the treatment phase, including the 2 wash-out periods.
Participants will be randomized to one of 6 different sequences with an equal
(1:1:1:1:1:1) randomization ratio. The Treatment Phase will last 10 weeks, and every
sequence is divided in three treatment periods: Glycopyrronium bromide 12.5 µg,
Glycopyrronium bromide 25µg or matching placebo dry powder in capsules for inhalation,
via Breezhaler. Each treatment period lasts 2 weeks and 2 consecutive treatment periods
are separated by a 2-week wash-out period. Participants who discontinue their study
treatment prematurely will be required to return to the clinic for an Early Termination
Visit. 30 days after last treatment date, a final telephone contact must be conducted for
safety follow-up.

The total duration of the trial for a participant (from screening to follow up) is
approximately 20 weeks including safety follow-up.

Aug 29, 2022
Jun 10, 2025
6 Years - 11 Years (Child)



Glycopyrronium bromide 12.5ug

12.5ug Glycopyrronium bromide capsules for oral inhalation via Breezhaler

Glycopyrronium bromide 25ug

25μg Glycopyrronium bromide capsules for oral inhalation via Breezhaler


Placebo to Glycopyrronium bromide capsules for oral inhalation via Breezhaler

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Confirmed diagnosis of asthma for at least 6 months

- Signed informed consent by parent(s)/legal guardian(s) and assent by the pediatric
participant (depending on local requirements)

- Participant on stable dose of inhaled low-to-medium dose ICS with one additional
controller for at least 4 weeks prior to run-in

- Pre-Bronchodilator FEV1 ≥60% to ≤90% of predicted normal at beginning of Run-in and
randomization. If FEV1 eligibility criteria are not met at -45min pre-dose of the
End of Run-in (Visit 30), the visit can be rescheduled once within 5 days from the
previous attempt.

- FEV1 reversibility, done using up to 4 puffs of SABA (up to 400μg salbutamol or
360μg albuterol) at Run-in visit (Visit 20): increase > and/or = 12% (performed
according to American Thoracic Society (ATS)/European Respiratory Society (ERS) 2019
guidelines). All participants must perform a reversibility test at start of Run-in.
If reversibility is not demonstrated at Run-in, it may be attempted at up to two ad
hoc, unscheduled separate visits within 5 days from previous attempt. If
reversibility is still not demonstrated after repeated assessment participants must
be screen failed

- Demonstrated acceptable inhaler use technique for Diskus/Accuhaler (prior to run-in)
and Breezhaler (prior to randomization) and able to complete spirometry procedures
prior to randomization.

- A parent/legal guardian must be designated to complete all e-Diary entries and
attend all clinic visits with the participant.

- Parents/legal guardian must be willing and able to assist the child with the
procedures outlined in the protocol, e.g. compliance with study medication,
completion of electronic participant diary

- Female participants of child-bearing potential, who might become sexually active,
must be informed of the need to prevent pregnancy during the study using effective
contraceptive methods. The decision on the contraceptive method should be reviewed
at least every 3 months to evaluate the individual need and compatibility of the
method chosen.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Systemic corticosteroid use for any reason within 3 months of Run-in

- Participants on low to medium mono ICS alone

- Participants requiring six or more puffs of rescue medication per day on more than
two consecutive days in the four weeks prior to Screening (Visit 1) and/or in the
four weeks prior to the Run-in visit

- Participants who have had an asthma attack/exacerbation requiring a) systemic
corticosteroids (SCS) or b) hospitalization or c) emergency room visit, within 3
months prior to Screening (Visit 1), or more than 3 separate exacerbations in the 12
months preceding the Screening visit

- Participants with a known narrow-angle glaucoma, bladder dysfunction, bladder outlet
obstruction or any other conditions where anticholinergic treatment is
contraindicated prior to Screening (Visit 1)

- Participants with a history of long QT syndrome or whose corrected QT interval (QTc)
measured at start of Run-in and confirmed at Baseline (prior to randomization)
(Fridericia method) is prolonged (> 450 msec for boys and girls) and confirmed by a
central assessor (these patients should not be rescreened)

- Suspected or documented active infections (bacterial, viral, fungal, mycobacterial
or other, including active SARS-CoV-2, tuberculosis or atypical mycobacterial
disease) of the upper or lower respiratory tract, sinus or middle ear that is not
resolved within 6 weeks of Screening (Visit 1)

- History of Type I diabetes or uncontrolled Type II diabetes

- Participants who are sexually active at screening

- Hemoglobin levels outside normal ranges at Run-in (Visit 20)

- Female patients of childbearing potential (e.g., are menstruating) who do not agree
to abstinence or, if they become sexually active during study participation, do not
agree to the use of contraception as defined in the inclusion criteria.

Additional protocol-defined inclusion / exclusion criteria may apply.

Worldwide Contacts

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Novartis Pharmaceuticals